Wednesday 26 May 2010

Club Kids Project

The Club Kids were a group of teens in the late 80's early 90's who created a buzz in the club scene by creating lavish parties filled with drugs sex and alcohol and would dress to extreme lengths to provoke the public and gain accreditation into clubs.
So our project was to create an original concept for a club kids outfit and make up to shock the world. We were also going to create a music video collaborating with the outside broadcasting students, however it didn't quite get there!
These are some of my final edited pictures, still a little amateur but this was the beginning of the year and i am proud of them!

My idea for my first outfit was a Mickey Mouse gone bad theme. I wanted to create a provocative idea that took the element of a safe, childhood thing like Mickey Mouse and show its darker side or a evil twist on it.

My second idea was a 50's inspired housewife combined with a pop art by Roy Lichtenstein. So i wanted a bit of nudity as well as the full set of make up inspired by the female pop art paintings.

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